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What if you are Evil from your CORE?

"I am the Devil, Dressed as a Gentleman!" ~ Lucifer (Book of AIR, The Devil's Bible)

We are all curious about Angels and Demons, their history, the War, the manipulations etc. We all have a vague idea, but not the complete truth. But, what if, I tell you, that we all have EVIL inside us. Ofcourse, we all know, we are not perfect and are prone to the 7 sins, namely pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. But I am not talking about these sins. I am talking about the more sinister ones, the more dark and powerful ones inside us. Lets dive into the True and Dark world of our ZODIAC signs. The patterns and astrology readings or predictions that we read today about our day, or about our life in general based on our zodiac, has been refined time and again. And, we only see the good traits of our zodiacs. But, today, lets dive into the more RAW and SINISTER world of this realm.

BLACK ZODIACS (Dark side of Zodiac signs)

The Black Zodiac is the dark counterpart of the Western Astrological Zodiac. Both of which originated from the Babylonian Zodiac“. And as the name suggests, the black zodiac represents the evil or cruel side of humans.

ARIES (THE TYRANT): The most unsatisfied ZODIAC, is Aries. They are never pleased with what they have. They find happiness by making others suffer and will go to any extent to satisfy their greed. (Sadistic Bunch!) Not being satisfied with your current situation can be motivational, but harming others for your greed, shows the evil side. Aries are very impulsive and impatient when it comes to making decisions. At times, they act very immaturely. They will do what they want to do, either you like it or not.

TAURUS (THE FALLEN DEMON): Taurus has a history with their past lives. Their Past follows them everywhere. They are Stubborn and if a decision is made they will go to any extent to stand by it. Taurus has faced Good and Bad times, but they only recall the bad ones. This is the reason, failures haunts them everyday. Even if Taurus, tries to do something good, it turns worst for them. All these failures and bad times teach you a lesson to make yourself strong. However, Black Zodiac suits best for the people falling under the Zodiac Sign of Taurus. Taurus is quite materialistic and possessive who is not interested in sharing things and is more into themselves. These people just want to invest in superficial things and that is the main reason, they are facing failures in their life.

GEMINI (THE HYDRA): The Hydra or Basilisk denotes FEAR. You don’t want want to show your bad side but situations force you to be cruel and bad sometimes. They are very dangerous, all they need is a provocation. Moreover, they will make you realize what real enmity means. Gemini have different personalities and its very difficult to judge such as a person (One of the reasons, why the zodiac sign of Gemini has 2 faces). At times they will behave like everything is normal and within a second you might see their other face. Be clear regarding your thoughts while talking to a Gemini.

CANCER (THE SERPENT): SERPENT means a large snake, and it represents "Wisdom and Charm". Cancer is very cunning, sharp and sometimes manipulative too. These people are very smart when it comes to gaining the trust of others or coming in the good books of the people. Cancer can be seen as very moody people and their imagination just revolves around themselves. These people can easily manipulate you for their own benefit. You need to be very careful while being with a Cancer, as a snake might bite you.

LEO (THE WAR MAIDEN): These guys are PARADOX. They see positive things with a negative eye. This makes it difficult for people to understand LEO's. They accept reality and prepares for the hardships along the way. Leos want attention and if they feel ignored they can create problems for themselves as well as others. These people are very charming and lovable. However, you need to be very careful while making friends with Leo as they can use this nature to get their work done by you in the very smartest way.

VIRGO (THE MAELSTROM): Maelstrom somewhere refers to being dangerous. Virgo is very judgmental and sometimes a bit harsh too. These people are very dangerous and possessive when it comes to love. Moreover, they become very jealous if someone tries to snatch away the things they love. At times they might harm you as well. Virgo’s are quite dramatic and want things to work according to them. However, if things don’t go in their way, they will try their best to make things more difficult and complex.

LIBRA (THE RAVENOUS): Always hungry to explore things either in a good or bad way. They are very energetic and will always motivate but in a harsh way. RAVENOUS are selfish and are accomplished in getting works, done perfectly by others. They are workaholics, are always focused on the bigger picture and are quite practical. However, they like to make others happy, and will sometimes forget their own values to do this.

SCORPIO (THE POISON-DART): The Poisoned Dart is patient, precise and very deadly.

These people are very manipulative and wait for the perfect time to strike. They will carefully listen to you and if they find things going against them, they will strike hard on you. Once they start an argument they will not listen to you either if you are right.

Scorpios can overreact when they are hurt and often have a very bad temper. Don’t ever try to argue with them as it will be a complete waste of time and just wait for them to calm down.

SAGITTARIUS (THE TEMPEST): TEMPEST means Subtle Storm or Tornado. They are carefree and doesn't think before speaking. This often leads to hurting people who are near and dear. Tempest is wild, and does not care what ever comes its way. Some people may see Sagittarius as rude as offensive sometimes. However, these people are pure-hearted and will say at your mouth rather than back biting you. They are also known to be ‘know-it-all's’ and can be self-righteous.

CAPRICORN (THE LEVIATHAN): Leviathan is a large aquatic creature just like a big whale. These people are very difficult to understand and deal with. There is always some mystery that points towards the dark and the sinister of them. These people will never show you their real side and will keep you in dilemma by mixing up things.

Capricorn’s use others for their own benefit that can upset their relationships sometimes. Moreover, these people love gossiping and talking negatively about others. You need to be very careful while making friends with a Capricorn as they might betray you even without letting you know about it.

AQUARIUS (THE BEAST): Aquarius is also called "Master of Demons". These people are very evil and will never let you go ahead of them. These people are emotionless and will try their best to hurt their opponents. However, they are very straight forward which they consider as their strength. You can also call this as their negative strength. They are very quick to judge others and offers advice even if not needed. They can also, be stupid and reckless sometimes.

PISCES (THE SWORD): The Sword is the representation of "Glory and Victory". Self-centered, sensible and selfish are their traits as they intend to find profit in each and every thing, even the little ones. These people always try to pull you down by portraying your bad image. This can be considered as their strength but sometimes it also shows your dark side and displays your real personality. You have to be mentally very strong while making friends with a Pisces.

Conclusion: There is light and dark everywhere. This world isn't just divided into the realms of spirits, humans, angels and dark entities, we all have light and dark inside us. The only difference is made by our choices and the path we choose to walk upon.

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