Dawn touches the sky, another day begins, but the tantrums tends to remain the same. They come in and out but all advice me the same. "Not overthink much" , "It's in your mind." "You exaggerate way beyond required". Maybe yes, it is me who's doing all mistakes. Doldrums and solitude seems like old friends of mine. My soul loses its control over itself. Some super power crumbles my brain in a grinder that is meant to be grinding some spices and ingredients to cook the meat. I smile and giggle with all my energies trying to put myself into delusion that yes, life is pretty cool, but a shallow world engulfs me. I fall miles down into world of darkness whereby I see no ray of life. I call upon death like nobody else. My doctor prescribed with dozens of doses. Dusk enchants the blue with a scary hue. People seeks shelter then but I get aggressive against the universe. How could you facsimile my life with no consent of mine. The soul trapped in this body begs to be let free, with occurrence of an event these people term as, i.e "death". I do not wish to be tormented by anybody putting a blame against me. I live a life of agony. The devil sits over my head and I cease to rationate out things. You suggest me, what am I supposed to do to get over this. I feel like killing me but a guilt lays a spell over me killing me more from within. I go through things like nobody else. They termed me as "anxiety and a depressed " psychiatric patient. But I ask where lies my fault to be tormented this severely by my own brain, my body and human beings coexisting with me maybe in a parallel universe. Nobody belongs to my world and I welcome nobody.
"It is way easier to judge rather than to understand."