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Defining Love through Death.

"Love is like an Hourglass, the feelings are like sand passing from one chamber to other, as the heart empties"

It has always been hard for me, divulging  my feelings. People say, I am not capable of love. Well, to be honest, I do think they are right. I have been in pain my entire journey, up till now, that I really don’t know, what love feels like. Except for my parents of course.

People take families for granted. I say, ask a child, who lost his family, to the world, what would it be like, holding your mother one more time? What would you give to ride on your father’s shoulder through the crowds? He doesn’t have to answer, you will know.

I have been through ages, seeing transitions in love. Materials, provide comfort, and people forget, it was the near and dear ones, who had your back when you were no one. They mistake material pleasure and happiness for love! I say, ask a mother, what matters the most, a fine piece of jewelry for her anniversary or full stomach for her two children. And People say, money finds Love.

One fine day, I was asked, by an old man nearing his 60’s, what is it that you desire the most? I being a high-spirited youth, said a Girl-Friend who loves me. He says, is it really what you want? Well, I would like to rephrase that answer today, I want a person, who has the strength to step into the unknown, binding my being as one. Love is not something, that comes in a single day, or at a first sight. It is something that grows, every single day, as one unwraps layer after layer, till one reaches the soul. It is there, where, hearts meet, and two beings, unite as one. I say, everyone appreciates, the light, find someone who will embrace your dark side.

You never find love, love finds you! It is the law of nature. It takes, a real man, or a lady for that matter, to describe what love is. For me, I would accept any answer or any form of love, where an individual, loves without hoping for anything in return. But, its hard to come by these days.

I understood, love at a more bitter experience. Death. Life, is not like mistakes, you make at school. When, you do wrong, at school, you can always try to be better the next day. But out there, Life, is a sort of war zone. When, you see a loved one, dying, and you just stand there, feeling helpless, it rips apart your very soul. The thought, that you will never see that face, never hear that voice, that laugh, never see that smile again, it is hard, to be normal again. But Life goes on. And here I am, writing on love so that the next person, who asks what I want in life, I won’t have to think, I will know.

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