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Decisions and It's Consequences.

Hello, everyone. I am RD, the Founder and MD for Inked Streets, a Global Blogging Forum. I would like to share a word with you, and, would like a moment of your time.

Inked Streets has been a dream project since, I was in school. It definitely started out as my love for writing and maintaining dairies, as I am sure, most of you had. Teenage Love, Hate, Envy, Jealousy all compiled into one single journal, through which we all developed and changed into what and who we are today. Time makes us do funny things, and we are defined by what we chose to do, on that particular instant. It certainly leaves a mark on our lives, and no matter how hard we try, to change our past, some decisions are to be lived with.

What life has taught me this far, is that, no matter what comes your way, you never give up. I have seen my fair share of strangeness. Of all the incidents, one; truly remains fresh on mind as if it happened yesterday. We, all have had the adrenaline rush, when we saw a cute, beautiful girl pass by, in the school corridor, and in no time, we would be inquiring about her or vice versa. I am sure, many of you can relate. What actually happened, with me is a much more twisted version. The girl, that I, had certain strong feelings for, I will not say love, like, what would a mere boy of 7-8 would know about love? But, yes, I would always find myself looking out for her, in the school corridors, library, canteen, recess break, even in the morning assembly! I knew, then, it was something different, much stronger than any feelings of friendship. What can I say, I was naive! I would shed a glance or two in the classes, and sometimes ask the teacher to let me use the restroom, so that when I return, I could see her face from the front, when I re-enter the class. But, things became difficult, when our sections changed, and we had to part our ways. This was just the beginning. I can't even define, what I went through. But, I had to suck down my feelings. I even, tried changing my section for her. Man, love can make people do crazy things. To make things worse, I had the craziest group of friends. And, we all know, what school friends are capable of doing! In the good sense.

So, naturally, I talked it out with the crazy people, got the crazy idea, and then a whole lot of thrashing firstly from school supervisor, then the class teacher, and then my parents! Yes. But, unfortunately, the girl left school, the very next year. And I never got to tell her, how or what I felt. I still haven't. Its been 15 years. I still remember her face. She was very beautiful, very vain. I still think sometimes, that some stories are never meant to end! What if, I could meet her again? What if she would not have left the school? What if I had told her what I felt? Would things have been different? But, as the very title suggest "Decisions and It's Consequences". And, now for all eternity, I have to live with the thought, with the decision of not letting her know.

"When you love someone ,You'll do anything ,You'll do all the crazy things That you can't explain, You'll deny the truth Believe a lie, There'll be times that you'll believe That you could really fly, But your lonely nights Have just begun, When you love someone" ~ Bryan Adams

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1 Comment

Raktim Kashyap
Raktim Kashyap
Apr 15, 2020

This is sweet. Even I had an one sided love.

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