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Writer's pictureRaktim Kashyap


Updated: May 7, 2020

“I believe we'll never stop making music and evolving as musicians. Learning and growing along the way. That's our primary focus and the rest will follow suit. Whatever it may be.”-Says Siddharth from Alien Sky Cult

Alien Sky Cult is a Metalcore band from Guwahati who had been prominent into the scene since 2011. The band had released their debut album YOU ARE NOT ALONE in 2013 which was produced by Keshav Dhar. Inactive for six years the band released their new single "Last stand" before a major line up change in the following year and with the new line up the band have released their first single in two years titled "Inanimate" talking about the negative effects of the insurgencies in the country. The band had played and opened for San Diego based metal band As I Lay Dying at Bighorn festival in Delhi and is currently planning their upcoming release. We at inked streets had an exclusive interview with the band itself.

Inked Streets:-Greetings from Inked Streets. How have been the local music scene serving you?

Alien Sky Cult:-I think we've been lucky to have a steady following since the release of our first EP You Are Not Alone in 2013. Although we did go on a hiatus for a better part of 3-4 years. We have had their support wherever we have pushed a new single. We are always grateful to our community.

Inked Streets:-When and how this journey began?

Alien Sky Cult:-The band formed in New Delhi on October 2011. Shung and I have been playing with different bands back then and met while playing for another metalcore band. Due to musical differences we parted ways with that band. I guess our journey begins with both of us listening to Punk Rock growing up. Our melodies in our music comes from that part of our childhood.

Inked Streets:-How strong do you believe the base of Independent music in India is right now?

Alien Sky Cult:-This will of-course be subjective but according to me the Independent scene is a lot scattered still. Promoters don't work in tandem with promoters from other region especially for Local Bands. International Bands is where the money is at. However I've had the pleasure of working with Skillbox which is predominantly promoting local upcoming artists in New Delhi. India will always be a tough market for Rock/Metal. There are tons of amazing artists in this country. Few can market themselves and the rest who don't fade out. I love the metal community in Guwahati. Where I'm currently based at. Its the young guns picking up the Torch the other left.

Inked Streets:-The band recently went through a line up change with Edwin Singha on vocals. How was the experience of working with him?

Alien Sky Cult:-It was difficult for us to replace Akkshit who has been with us since 2013. But Edwin has stepped up and helped us out with the right fit and mindset. He's a humble guy who only talks through his work. We're glad to have him. Yay!

Inked Streets:-Your debut EP You Are Not Alone was well received by the fans and the new single 'Inanimate" was something of a different approach? Tell us how different the band's sound is now with the new line up?

Alien Sky Cult:-Before "Inanimate" we did release another single called "Last Stand" in 2017 which had great response. The most asked song during our live sets apart from "We are the Damned". "Inanimate" is where we are at currently (musically) although the song was written in 2018 and released in 2019. Its an evolution of the band. As musicians we're always growing and pushing our boundaries. The new album is going to be full of surprises. Can't wait to share with the people.

Inked Streets:-Who are some of your major influences as a band?

Alien Sky Cult:-Like we talked about the formation of the band. A lot of our melodies are rooted in punk. While we also wanted to maintain a certain amount of heaviness in a music. Like a good mix of both. As growing musicians we have evolved and so has the band. The earliest influences of the band are As I Lay Dying, August Burns Red, Textures, The Ghost Inside, Hatebreed, While She Sleeps, Architects.

Inked Streets:-What sort of lyrical themes are you more likely to incorporate into you songwriting and what kind of messages are you aiming to convey?

Alien Sky Cult:-We've always tried to be positive with our lyrics. There is enough hate and gore to go around. We want you to feel belonged. We want to tell you that whatever you're going through. You're not alone. That was the entire theme of our namesake EP. We also write about the social structures, the disparity in society and governance. We talk about how we're always going to be puppets of the system unless we voice our opinion.

Inked Streets:-How have your music evolved since it's inception and what were the challenges that you have faced?

Alien Sky Cult:-I guess we'll leave it to the listeners to judge that. Because our EP was where we're musically at in 2011. Our evolution in our sound is us evolving as musicians and creativity at this current point and time. Creative block is something every artist will have. I don't think anyone can deny that. And its okay. I guess if we're all inspired by different facets of life. The hunger to create more keeps burning.

Inked Streets:-What are your future plans with your project? any upcoming releases?

Alien Sky Cult:-We're currently working on a single called " Glass Cannon" The tentative release date is set at March 31st. This will be our first music video as well.

Inked Streets:-Which gig is your most memorable one?

Alien Sky Cult:-RSJ Livenites Blue Frog gig in New Delhi would always be a testament to what we are today. We played alongside Scribe, Artilleire, Guillotine. Our first major gig. What a night! Also I would be doing an injustice to not quote that we just opened for As I Lay Dying at the Bighorn Festival in New Delhi. We still can't believe that we got to play in-front of our idols.

Inked Streets:-Your Ultimate direction as an artist?

Alien Sky Cult:-I believe we'll never stop making music and evolving as musicians. Learning and growing along the way. That's our primary focus and the rest will follow suit. Whatever it may be.

Inked Streets:-How can people get access to your music and on which platforms?

Alien Sky Cult:-We're available on all major platforms viz Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Deezer to name as few.

Inked Streets:-One advise that you have for the upcoming musicians would be?

Alien Sky Cult:-Focus on the music first. Create, innovate and keep pushing yourself as a musician. Churn content to keep the momentum going. But also remember to network and market your music to get a higher reach. That is something we forget to do. Its very important in our current times.

Inked Streets:-Any message to the fans?

Alien Sky Cult:-You've been with us in this journey for a longtime and we cannot thank you enough for your love and support. We are excited to share our new music which we have been working so hard at. See you in your city soon. Keep fighting the good fight.

Inked Streets:-Thank you for your time with Inked Streets!

Band Photo Courtesy:-Ravi Juneja

Note:-This interview was done with a full consent from the artist, if there are some similarities in the content put into the post this could be a coincidence and due to the presets of the domain tied in to the forum. Thank you.

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