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Writer's pictureRimpi Deka

Aged a little more!

Another year passed and I have Aged a little more today. I can't believe that I have lived 21 years of my life. 15th of September this is the day I landed on this earth, BOOM! and have been here since. Classy and Sassy!

Having lived, a better part and going through all the rough edges, I just ask myself, why was I not brave enough to handle everything and tackle my own problems back then, why did I always fuck up? But then, I was a little adorable girl, so that's okay I guess. Yet, life had something else in store for me and I got my answer now. You see, I was never sure what I wanted. While, all were busy selecting their careers. I was busy messing around. I was never too serious with what I wanted. My options were always changing. At first I thought , I wanted to pursue biology because I was really curious. I loved the practical experiments. But, later when I found out that I can't take only biology as a subject, but have to take chemistry, physics and math as well. Sort of like, free gift. And, me tackling with Physics and Maths, is like seeing monkey on roller skates! So, I had to drop the idea. Then, I wanted to become a teacher, because being a teacher is so cool. You get to give orders and the students will respect you. Not necessarily because you are a good teacher, but because they are afraid of you. But I dropped that idea too because you have to come to class everyday, explain the same thing for God knows how many years. After that, I thought of opting for criminal LAW, because I thought I can be a good lawyer, I am good at arguing. I have a nick for Investigations, and those chills and thrills. It would have been an adventure I gave entrance, almost got in but because I have this inate talent of saying Fuck Off in various styles, had to quit the idea. You can't go around in a Court room saying Fuck off to all!!! So, I dropped that idea too. And then, HOLA!! comes my backup plans, which is Air hostess or Fashion designer. So, I applied for Air hostess and gave several interviews, but couldn't get in, Because (Fuck OFF!). So, at last I opt for fashion design. I am still pursuing it. And I can proudly say that Whatever happens; happens for a Reason. I always wanted to explore my creative side.

But It never crossed my mind that one day I will have my own Fashion Studio House, would meet so many good people, I never thought existed. The whole process of me exploring different aspects of career, changed me into a whole new person. It changed my views and how I perceived things. I started to see the world through a new perspective. I was always a troublesome girl, was always around mess and I have finally realized that world and life is not so cruel.

I believe that you become what you surround yourself with.

Today, I can proudly say that I am proud of myself. And one quick suggestion to the reader is "JUST GO WITH THE FLOW". Don't pressurize yourself too much. Whatever comes in your path deal with it. I know It will cause pain, grief, anger, frustration but the after result is much more sweeter than this. Swallowing all those problems and moving forward without stopping is the beauty of life. You know, It may sound weird but now I enjoy pain, trouble, difficulties and I will continue enjoying because this is the essence of life. Without any problems you cant't survive. I know it sounds odd that I saying this, and you might be thinking without any problems it is much easier and happier. But trust me on this, "A person can never be happy with what he has". It is all about experience and knowledge and no knowledge is bigger than self-experience.

This is what feels like growing up. I have seen so many of people who are afraid of time and life. They would be like, oh! I don't have enough time, I am afraid, what will happen and Blah Blah!!. I would like to say that this is the magic. You can't hold onto things. You have to let go. Experience that feeling when you are letting go of that one specific thing that you are holding onto. You can't hold onto two things at a time, you have to compromise.

We all have came to earth for a reason and we all have a life path. I don't know what my life path is, but I will continue my search for it. This doesn't mean I will stop and give-up on what I am doing right now. Giving up was never on my dictionary (It is merely an option that you are letting go off), and I think no one ever should, it means you are giving up on your life. I never thought that something called INKED STREETS will be the most important thing of my life. I never thought I would write blogs and post it. I was never the writer kind, but it happened. One thing I am sure of is that you can't pre-plan anything. Some things will happen without you even knowing. And lastly, I know that God had plans for me before I was even born!

Never take life too seriously, you will never make it out Alive!


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