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Writer's pictureRaktim Kashyap

Handcrafted and Hanpicked

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,

“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;

But the fact is that I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,

And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,

That scarce was sure I heard you”- here I opened wide the door;-

Darkness there and nothing more.

-Edgar Allan Poe

Handcrafted and Handpicked as a show is an upcoming program by Radioactive Raven Records that aims to promote artists and build a rapport between the musicians and the listeners and has some other plans to uplift the artists and the music scene. For further information we had a talk with Jeremy B Marak (Sales and Marketing Radioactive Raven Records)

In the words of Jeremy B Marak: -

Firstly, I want to tell the story of what

inspired the name Radioactive Raven Records. As you can see with the excerpt above, it’s from Edgar Allen Poe’s poem: The raven. And the other inspiration is from Norse Mythology. Odin, the father of Thor, King of Asgard has always been depicted with a raven besides him. It is said ravens are messengers of Odin bringing the message from heavens. Some lore say that Odin himself would take the form of a raven. Such was the prestige given to ravens in Nordic culture. Lastly and something close and personal to me is the story of Prophet Elijah in the Bible who was fed by ravens on instructions from God when he was persecuted by the tyrannical king.

Radioactive Raven Records is platform that the 4 of us (Nigel Shira, Jericho R Marak, Orai Basumatary and Jeremy B Marak) came together to form. We, at Radioactive Raven Records really enjoyed listening to a lot of up and coming artists, and they are amazing. What’s odd was the view count considering how good they were. This brought about the initial idea for a promotional platform for musicians where we would be providing the marketing and branding services to them.

At the moment we are not signing or exclusively managing any artists; and like our motto says, “Handcrafted and Handpicked”, we’re focusing on artists who like to get down and work with their musical instincts.

As of now and where we are at, we are purely focusing on finding artists and bringing them

out and make complete use of the resources at hand to help them gain traction, in terms of reach, to their demographic audience.

In the very-near future we will be operating as a complete record label; bringing the best opportunities to the artists who will have signed with us.

The current artists that we’re working with currently and can talk about are the ones that we’ve put up in our program for the month of September. Two artists from Meghalaya and two from Nagaland. (Joanna and Paulina from Meghalaya; Gugu and Senti from Nagaland)

As a promotional platform, the services we render is quite limited as compared to when we will have formed a complete record label. What we’re doing right is improving their production if that’s something they’re lacking and helping our musicians let the world know who they are as an artist. One way to look at that would be we’re helping the people relate to artists who think and feel the same things they do.

Most importantly, to all the artists out there, we are currently in talks with one or two live event organizers. This will really help the artists to showcase their art, a piece of their soul, to the world who needs the music to heal it!

We will be eagerly waiting for the show and would love convey our heartfelt congratulations for putting up the effort to bring some of the best artists from the region and to give them a much needed platform.

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