Writer, someone who has a thought process which is abstract yet to the point, a vagabond by choice and a wanderer looking for his next adventure. Though reserved among his virtual friends he might sound as talkative and as loud mouthed as possible among his real life friends, as because a writer is someone who wants people to listen to him in a real life situation more often, because he has to say a lot and is concerned with how choose his every words. He is someone who is basically collecting people for his end days and wants them to stick with him in both his best and worst of days. He loves to celebrate a lot but his idea of celebration is not a wild party but a fun gathering with few people, a good place, good food and a good drink.
But what about his relationship? Well, a person once told me that a writer can paint the best romance of his life, as because he will be writing endless poems for you, he will sing songs for you, and even if he is not a singer he will practice his singing skills inside the bathroom while taking his shower, or in-front of a freaking mirror, he will propose to you in the most romantic way possible at the most romantic place, he loves to tease and not someone who gets wild during the moments of being intimate. His every caress is seductive and his every words is hypnotizing, he would take you to the bed, lay you in it with a blanket over you and put you to sleep by singing if you are sick or upset, he will be your shoulder to cry on. But here's a catch, he is seldom afraid of commitment and intimacy, as because you will be hearing him saying sorry a lot for his every actions and for not being living up to your expectations also he suffers most of the most freaking terrible disease called the writer's block, something that often piss him off. At that moments his ideas will be either blurring or conflicting making him go in a fit of rage, depression or anxiety and in such cases he would rather close himself inside his room, sipping his favorite drink or coffee and listening to his favorite song to draw some inspiration and to calm his nerves and be more subtle. But he will only be doing that to get your freaking attention of-course since you are his number inspiration. He needs your love and support to put up his thought process into his next project.
His idea of success, was never to get billions of money and fame overnight, riches and luxury was never his idea of possessions, but his most prized possession is life and art itself and the people whom he loves a most. He is a caring father and a loving husband. He might not be earning big and climbing the corporate ladder by licking the toe off of his boss or slogging his arse for his whole freaking life inside that 4 dimensional cubical, but dear ladies, ain't he living a peaceful life? just think about it. Be his backbone, be his soulmate, be his inspiration, understand his ideas and thought process and never be complaining. Ask, rather then expecting and he shall deliver. So, go ahead ladies be the best partner to your writer other half and give him a reason to type in his sweet love-story and his romantic innuendoes into his next book.